As Tesla's get into the hands of more consumers, the ethics of auto-pilot decision-making is put into question.
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Tesla's Autopilot Could Save the Lives of Millions but it Will Kill Some People First
Facial recognition software has a gender problem
A study finds that facial recognition software fails to recognize trans and non-binary people, relying on outdated stereotypes to mark gender.
Facial recognition technology needs controls on its use, World Economic Forum says
As countries explore the use of facial recognition technology in areas such as national security, governments need to take people’s privacy into account, according to the head of artificial intelligence at the World Economic Forum.
Stop Me if You've Heard This One: A Robot and a Team of Irish Scientists Walk Into a Senior Living Home
To better understand the role artificial intelligence might play in eldercare, a handful of Trinity researchers, along with a robot named Stevie, moved into a retirement home for months-long stretche to understand what aging people and the staff that care for them might want from a robot, and how AI could bridge the widening gap between the number of older Americans in need of care and the number of professionals available to care for them.
Data Show that Gender-Inclusive Founding Teams Have Greater Success in Fundraising and Innovation
A study finds that teams with at least one female founder tend to raise more capital from investors. This fact is also bolstered by data that shows female founders tending to have a higher tangible positive impact on revenue generated by startups versus their male counterparts.
More women founders equals more women in executive roles
The study highlights that the strongest driver of gender diversity within rising startups is more women.
France Set to Roll Out Nationwide Facial Recognition ID Program
Google using dubious tactics to target people with ‘darker skin’ in facial recognition project: sources
Google has funded a facial recognition project that’s targeting people of color with dubious tactics, hiring temps go out to collect face scans from a variety of people on the street using $5 gift cards as incentive. Teams were dispatched to target homeless people in Atlanta, unsuspecting students on college campuses around the U.S. and attendees of the BET Awards festivities in Los Angeles, among other places.
How ICE Picks Its Targets in the Surveillance Age
After two officers came to a Pacific Northwest community, longtime residents began to disappear — a testament to the agency’s quiet embrace of big data.