Course Level
Knowledge Unit
Fundamental Programming Concepts
Collection Item Type

In this lab students work either individually or in pairs to create three images using turtle graphics. Students must draw a spiral, a recursive tree, and the Koch Snowflake. In addition to reviewing turtle graphics, the lab requires students to create functions that can accept different parameters and to use recursion. The lab is particularly useful for students who are new to graphics and recursion.


Create an Interdisciplinary Connection to CS by inviting faculty from the digital arts and media (or similar) program to discuss with your students how recursion is implemented within the arts. Give students information about the types and frequency of additional support (such as office hours and lab sessions), particularly when covering the unit on recursion, as a way to provide Effective Encouragement.

Engagement Highlights

This material uses Effective Encouragement as a way to engage students.

Engagement Practices Employed

Materials and Links


Computer Science Details

Programming Language

Material Format and Licensing Information

Creative Commons License